Words from the Hai Druid
February 22, 2024
There are many differences between the Western Cultures versus other cultures in the World, but the one thing that sets Western Culture above most, but not all cultures is our safety standards that are only exceeded by some of the European countries. These standards include, but are not limited to, the water that we drink. Yes, we do have problems here and there, like Flint, MI. But for the most part, we learned long ago that due to multiple factors contaminates get into the water supply. Basically, if it goes into the ground or sewers, it goes into the water supply. So forever chemicals like oil and antifreeze have to be filtered out of our water. This, in turn, is why we have water treatment plants. Our education even insures that farmers test their well water and have systems in place to filter out the excess minerals and other things that are in their well water.
It is a shame that the Middle Eastern Countries do not do the same for their people. Heck, watching some of those videos on the internet about how the middle eastern humans recycle things to make products, just seeing their working environment, it is quite obvious that there are NO safety standards what-so-ever. While you may still be wondering why I bring this up, it is simple. The ground there is basically a sieve. When it does rain, there are flash floods, and well, let's just say the ground doesn't stay wet long. Everything that was there is now part of what is called a watershed. A watershed in simple terms is the terrain that water seeps through until it joins an underground flow or lake.
So this brings up the question. How do these low educated people dispose of their engine fluids, to include oil and especially engine coolant? I doubt they send it to a special treatment plant. That stuff builds up and poisons people over time. Minor symptoms include high anxiety. It is one of the reasons why people that have never been to war have PTSD from accidents. It depends on how much of that coolant steam vapor they breathe in. When I was first in the military we were taught to hold our breath if the engine is hit or blows and the coolant is vaporizing, and you mask. This is because engine coolant is a nerve agent. This is why there are poison warnings on antifreeze, let alone other more dangerous petroleum products that may not kill you, but will fry a human's brain. Somewhere along the line, did masking or holding your breath stop being taught OR did the government fail to properly test the ground water? I really don't think anybody was knowingly poisoning the cool aid. After all, campden tablets cannot get rid of forever chemicals. Just sayin'. But then again, I do give our soldiers credit were credit is due. After all, when bullets are flying, it is either duck and cover to return fire, or die. Masking isn't a top priority when you don't want to be riddled with bullets.
March 01, 2024
We in America have the advantage of modern medicine and even set up our elderly, myself included, with Medicare for more affordable healthcare in our later years. So I had to wonder just what the deal was for the big push for colon screening and biopsies. The reason for my dilemma is a simple fact that I learned from the medical community in California, back in the 80's. The fact that when cancer is exposed to the air, it popcorns (spreads aggressively and rapidly). The reason for the wonderment is that when they look into your colon, do biopsies, and such, they do not inflate the colon with Argon. It's regular compressed air. So that if you did have cancer in that polyp, which is caused by a striation of the muscle, it just got aggravated and is going to spread.
Sounds pretty ominous to me, here. The specialist is going to do a biopsy so we are going to hope that it is not cancerous, because if it is, you will be in a strange race. Will the cancer aggravated by the biopsy kill you, or will it be the chemo that they used to try to save you only kill you from the radiation and shear drain on the body? Not liking the odds on this, here. I have no wonders in my mind at all why Kristie Alley's colon cancer got really aggressive and killed her after the biopsy.
Now I am sure that the reason they do this is very simple. After all, what they learn from working with older cancer patients helps them solve problems for younger cancer patients. But I really don't want to be part of that experiment. Do you?
I do like the fact that they found fungus inside of the cancer cells. But that makes me wonder if the cancer is only our immune system trying to fight the fungus that is an ever growing killer of humans, in general.
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March 06, 2024