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Philosophies for the
21st Century

Words from the Hai Druid

FY2023 - 2nd Qtr.

March 20, 2023

Still not sure which demise mankind is still rushing more blindly into. Whether it be from massive war to alleviate starvation since the government(s) in question lacks adequate food supplies (not just Russia, North Korean soldiers join so they can eat and provide for the family), or the sudden reappearance of new Ice Caps after a period of intense world drought/monsoon cycles, it is still up in the air. I do not blame the people of South America wanting to come North. Not going to be very habitable in that region once the Earth's cooling system no longer exists. But I have covered all of this before.

The North American news media has become a complete bore, really. They cycle stories and fear monger so much, it is hard to actually find the news that is worth anything. Foreign sources are a bit better. In North America our news is filled with stories that keep the mindless red hat idiots in a constant state of agitation. I am sure I am not the only human that is wondering why we have childish side shows in our Federal Government. All I have to say is there are too many clowns with no sense of decorum. Let alone the lack of bi-partisan anything. Competency tests for ALL public officials is SO needed. Historically, politics has always been full of con men and crooks even before Nixon, but it has never been as obvious as it is in this day and age. We are in a time that a rich, narcissistic, tax evading man-child can become president by starring on television and lying about his wealth (visions of The Running Man, anybody? Get me the president's agent, NOW!)—and/or a flagrantly creative resume writing Brazilian can become a Congressional Representative for the State of New York in our Nation's Capital. Both of whom have reached God Status in the con man skill tree portion of the game. Who knew you can add so many points into male bovine feces creation, regardless of your gender? The game has always had its flaws, but be warned: stupidity replicates. I am sure the Gods of Con Artists around the world have been inspired and created countless more bovine feces spreaders nationwide. Personally, I will be glad when all of those type perish from their own ignorance. They are not good providers, girls. Just sayin'. Being able to catch the elusive HOT POCKETS® in the wild isn't a survival skill.

We all live in a day and age where humans prefer to believe lies instead of the truth. While blame for that can be easily placed on monotheistic sources, the true question still is, What do we do about it? Those that are mindful of just what man faces in the not so distant future are in the vast minority of the over eight billion humans on this planet. The general majority of the billions in population, are totally clueless while living out their seemingly pointless lives.

All I can really say is, hold on for the ride until 2030 to find out which fork in the karma road mankind will take. Man is so caught up within its own existence to even begin thinking about saving its fellow man, so plan accordingly. You can check out all of these new survival sites that are coming out. Won't do you much good, unless you also do some training on your own to learn survival skills. Freeze dried and sealed meals that are ready to eat, only last so long. They also come with a very large price tag. Be mindful that in global chaos, I doubt very seriously that municipal services will continue without a hitch. Believe me, some of those skills learned in the Boy Scouts (water reclamation) could come in handy in mankind's not so distant future.

Granted the combined effort of just the Southern hemisphere could save the world. But that actually transpiring is a very small line of karma. The vast majority of the karma lines lead directly to a rehash of another cooling cycle of our Mother Earth, created the old fashioned way, which may unfortunately be inevitable and has been covered in “Hai Druid's Perspective for FY2022”. The only thing I could add to that writing is the highly humid air pressure will rise and compress the other atmospheric spheres around the planet before creating the new Ice Caps. We could also be facing the fate of other planets that have lost their atmospheres, which means we are destined only to become a dusty and barren place, like Mars, for example. The actual chances of man solving this dilemma it is facing to move on in karma progression instead of resetting karma, are slim, at best. I do hold out hope, but being prepared is something to strive for.

So what can we as non-monotheists do? Well, learn how to survive would be a good idea. Come on, people. How long would you last in the place you stay now, without electricity, let alone, gas and food conveniently available at the local Wally World, let alone all those other conveniences that make up our lives? All I see are elders shrugging their shoulders in a gesturing that it is not that hard. I would still venture to say that there is only a small percentage of the pagans that are already prepared/ing. Those that are, happen to be the elders who should take some New Age followers under their wings. We, as elders, understand that most young humans have to work and have a hard enough time surviving with the luxuries they do have, let alone surviving without them. Heck, in today's society, most humans in North America would not be able to do anything without their phone or the Grand Oracle that sees and knows all, the almighty Google. But in times of Chaos, the elders are your Google for they still have the ancient google called books, knowledge, and most importantly—drum roll, please—experience. Just remember, while you do not have to have the entire series of Foxfire books, it wouldn't hurt.

Let me give you all a starting lesson in survival for use in your future survival cell, during the time that the world population will go psycho. Remember the best items that have endless storage capabilities require water to reconstitute, so have water safe jugs (check the codes on the bottom) available, and keep them full. Items like rice and beans are best for long term storage. Honey, a simple carbohydrate, has an endless shelf life, which is one of the reasons it works so well in Chinese Traditional Medicine. It is considered neutral in nature and is used for making pills from ground herbs and roots so that they do not lose their potency over time. It seals out oxygen. Salt is also something that is needed in the human diet, let alone a historic commodity. Five gallon buckets with lids are available at any big box hardware store, let alone Wally world. They will hold 20 lbs of rice, 6 lbs of beans, 2 lbs of honey, and a container of salt. Total weight: just under 30 lbs, and costing less than $35. One per person in your survival cell is a bare minimum for survival purposes. They will only last for a short period of time alone, but supplemented with other things found, can prolong your people for quite a while. Granted going into these emergency supplies is when all other things are pretty much gone. Items like pasta last a long time, too, so always keep a good supply at home. Having the ability to keep 30 days of food in your home is not as easy as it once was. Freezers help, but only last a few days without electricity. Staples are food items that store for a while which include, but is not limited to: canned vegetables, pasta, rice, flour, sugar and other supplies that most people that don't cook, don't think about. Keeping a good rotating stock of these supplies will also help you survive. That 30 days worth of food normally kept, can easily turn into 90 days or more with simple rationing. The shortages in food and commodities in our grocery supply chains under the pandemic we just went through are just a tease to what will happen when the planet we are on loses its cooling system, once again, and the world is plunged into total Chaos—which of course creates total Chaos Energy, so having friends that are well versed in working with Chaos energy may be a big help in your survival cell. FYI, familiarity with that type of energy circumvents its side effects, just sayin'.

So says the Hai Druid.