Words from the Hai Druid
We have an Update!
October 01, 2023
So we have updates now on the global crisis this third rock from the sun is facing, although the updates are not in man's favor. It seems they didn't get near the ice back from this winter in the southern hemisphere. There in, lies the problem. For those that do not know, Antarctica is the fifth largest continent on this planet. It is covered by (on average) a 1 mile thick layer of ice. This means that a continent approximately one and a half times the size of America with a mile thick layer of ice, is about to be reborn as all that ice rapidly melts once the ice shelves these scientists are talking about are gone.
It's funny, the MAGA Republicans who are all talking about ice in a drink and how the level doesn't change when the ice melts are in for a rude awakening. All that ice in Antarctica isn't on water, it's on land, chumps! They have all kinds of people that have done the math on 1 mile thick ice (they say 1.2 miles thick, but ice tends to melt from the bottom forming massive ice caverns underneath, that is how cracks are formed, so yeah) times 5,500,000 square miles. That equates to 5,500,000 cubic miles of ice. I will write that simple equation again, for good measure. 5,500,000 square miles at 1 mile thick equals 5,500,000 CUBIC MILES OF ICE!
Now, I could go into things like there are 1,667,200 Olympic size pools in ONE cubic mile of ice (quick online search). This means nothing alone, really, but the current estimate is that there are only 29,000 to 31,000 colleges/universities in the world. Then to really destroy peoples heads by adding in that, these universities would all get their pools filled 53 to 57 times each. All with just one cubic mile of ice from the CONTINENT! Of Antarctica.
Instead, I will address something from a previous writing in which I mentioned creating electricity with magnets. So I did some research on basic principles, and yes, it is a daunting task. The problem is just how fast magnets can cause things to spin in perpetual motion. For example, Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI's) have to use helium to cool the machine because it moves so fast, generating its magnetic field as it creates the images. Big problem, so the ideal design here is NOT moving the magnets so fast that helium is needed to cool it, but have them move slowly. We also do not want to create a huge magnetic field, either. By using gears set up like an automatic transmission or like an astrological gyro, for those without automotive knowledge, a means to generate electricity is quite viable. With simple gear ratios, a few of those 200-400 lbs fishing magnets, and you should be able to generate electrical current in such a way that the opposing magnets moving the spindle would move the spindle slower, by being more taxed in pushing the perpetual motion when more power is needed. Basically in automotive terms, the more speed that is needed, the transmission moves to smaller gears, causing the vehicle to move faster. In terms of an astrological gyro, another ring starts moving as it changes gears. At minimum output the gyro would spin the fastest, and at maximum output it would move quite slowly. As with a transmission, the engine is moving the spindle of the transmission at one rate while the drive shaft moves way faster.
I grant you that making a magnetic generator large enough to power cities would be monumental, to say the least. Yet, it could work after seeing some of the principles for the giant gravity batteries that are nearing completion in both the U.S. and China. Single household applications are quite viable with less powerful magnets than those fishing magnets mentioned above. Unfortunately, I am sure an invention like this would meet serious backlash since it has the possibility to render current power companies obsolete. However, it would be more stable than the antiquated grid pulse system North America currently uses. The fossil fuel industry would be scared for their profits, which to them, is their life. The cost to create a single home magnetic generator would be less than current fossil fuel versions and would provide a clean, constant, and FREE power supply. They would be a boon to the electric car industry, though. The cost of magnets, non magnetic gears (copper, aluminum, or titanium would work), and housings are easily less than the cost of just the gasoline a gas generator requires with its constant fossil fuel addiction.
So other than the fact scientists are wearing shorts this Antarctic winter before the summer starts soon, we do have some interesting possibilities in the future. As the water rises in the rest of the world's coastal regions, we may find out about some ancient civilization(s) that used to be on the continent of Antarctica. Granted that would be one REALLY ANCIENT culture, the Antarctic has been under ice for 350,000,000 years, but stranger things have happened. Since the government here in America has such a prison overpopulation problem, let the capital offenses prisoners (you know, the death sentence and life without parole inmates) man the tug boats that move science created ice bergs in place. Those dangerous felons could be required to operate the ever dangerous super cooled water cannons used to weld ice bergs created with current science into a new ice shelf. A South Pole Prison Systems Inc. would work out rather well for the entire world. Multi-national South Pole Prison Colonies would straighten out quite a few people if that is the new judicial status quo. It would return model citizens that will never want to go back, if those citizens are even allowed to come back, of course. Gang problems would drop if they had to do South Pole time for their offenses. Talk about chilling someone out! Let's get creative and fix the planet. We are a long way off from finding another one we can infest with our greed and gluttony. I am fairly sure fixing the Ice Caps is much easier, let alone way cheaper, than creating a new atmosphere on Mars. The world could create floating prison ships that are used as ocean cleaning vessels. Let the trash of society clean up the trash that society has made. That would be the status quo for use on those lesser violent felony crimes that are committed all too frequently. Since our police spend so much time arresting repeat offenders, prison must be an easy life. Make ALL prisoners work off their crimes while working to pay for the food and lodging they receive, not just have them sit around and twiddle their thumbs while being watched by babysitters. No, no, no, after all license plates can still be made with non-violent offenders. You don't work hard enough, then you get more time, now that would be an excellent motivator that would return much better citizens. It would take care of overpopulation in the prison system world wide. So many positive factors here. Would love to see an L.A. or N.Y. gang member get cocky with an international prison guard from China! Would make excellent video content! What!? I'd laugh at it! China needs a place to put their trash, too! A few years in the Antarctic, and a prisoner would be begging to be on a trash ship!
Well, enough about that. I give the ice shelves till 2030. Think the problem with algae and sea weed is bad now, just wait. Our blue third rock from the sun is about to become a green third rock from the sun. (Let us hope we don't become the red third rock. Weren't there some book titles like that in the 90's?) Once the ice shelves are gone, man will be moving rapidly into a world of pain as heat acceleration takes over. If only we didn't have so many stupid humans following a spoiled cretin. Maybe we as a species would be smart enough to fix the problem, instead of just talking about it. Of course that is not what the oligarchy would say, since science has know about this since the 70's. We must look at why they do not want to fix the problem. Because it seems that the current world owners (Yeah, those rich ones!) think we have too many humans. There is a much easier way to get rid of the majority of poor humans, while they hide in their well stocked luxury shelters. Global famine, war, and disease always takes care of overpopulation. Ukraine is doing its best, along with those supplying arms and munitions, at helping Russia with their overpopulation problem. Yes, good old war! It is what makes humans, humans, unfortunately. If only we could learn from our mistakes in the past, instead of being cursed to repeat them. The oligarchy is betting we can't change karma, and they can enslave what is left as they continue to PLAY GOD.
Change man's karma! FIX THE ICE CAPS!
As for me. I'm now officially retired by government standards. I now get to collect my stamps (who knows, someday they will be proof other countries, let alone humans, existed), be the temple guardian, work towards the High Priestess's future endeavors, and work on my temple grounds. I really need to do more upkeep, but roofing supply prices have, well you know, it's called inflation.